Thousands of brands rely on LeafLink to grow their business.

We’re passionate about helping businesses make it in the cannabis industry. Over the years, we’ve had the pleasure of working with a diverse range of clients, all with different backgrounds and goals. Whether you’re a small start-up or an established brand, click on the stories below to see how LeafLink can power your success.

Cannabis commerce by numbers: how LeafLink adds up to growth and success for brands and retailers alike.

12 K

Over 12,000 companies – and counting – use the LeafLink marketplace

$ 4 .5B

Businesses leverage LeafLink to manage over $4.5 billion in orders annually

50 %+

US wholesale cannabis is transacted on LeafLink

Meet our customers

Join the LeafLink Ecosystem

Our technology powers wholesale cannabis commerce. Since 2016, we’ve helped over 12,000 companies build relationships, process payments and ship products to retail. Our solutions service over $5 billion in annual GMV and support customers in over 30 markets.